Vintage for Craft O`Clock
Sea Breeze for Finnabair CT
Hello everyone!
Summer is here and I`m in a mood for sea canvas.
I tend to make all my sea related projects in blue with touches of red. All of the nautical themed albums I made before were in blue shades. Which is understandable since the sea is blue(mostly).
This time I wanted to make something in the shades of sand and rust. More sandy than sea color.
I`m armed with the best arsenal of texture and rust effect pastes and the best White Heavy Gesso to create this white washed look.
I also just bought these starfishes and my hands were itching to use them in beach related project, so I it was a date.
It was a pure blast creating this one. Especially since I was on the beach this same morning and I even collected some more sea treasures for future projects to come.
And just by the way, never throw all your popsticks from ice cream, since they go so well in that kind of canvases.
Enjoy your summer!
Hugs, Martina.
Strong Wings for Finnabair Creative Team
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